Hercules Blog webcamNúmero de produto : 4780426ControladoresXtra Controller v3.2.2.1 + DriverPCWindows XP - Windows 7 - Windows VistaSoftwareWebcam Station Evolution v. XP - Windows 7 - Windows VistaFAQNenhuma secção FAQ disponível em : EnglishVer secção FAQ em inglêsOcultar secção FAQ em inglês• PC Are drivers supporting Windows Vista x64 available? • PC How can I be sure that I have the latest version of the \'Webcam Station Evolution\' software and drivers for my webcam? • PC How can I verify that Windows XP Service Pack 2 is installed on my computer? • PC I get the message 'USB Controller Bandwidth Exceeded' when trying to use the webcam. • PC I just changed my webcam's USB port and Windows detects new hardware. What should I do? • PC My microphone doesn't work in Windows Live Messenger or MSN Messenger. • PC My webcam's display is not very clear: my face looks blurry. How can I adjust the sharpness? • PC The blue LED on my webcam is bothering me during my conversations. Can I switch it off? • PC The person I'm talking to doesn't see or hear me when we're communicating via Windows Live Messenger or MSN Messenger. • PC There's no image in the 'Hercules Webcam Viewer' window! • PC There's no image in the 'Webcam Station Evolution' window, even though my webcam is properly connected! • PC Using my webcam to communicate via AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) • PC Using my webcam to communicate via Skype? • PC Using my webcam to communicate via Windows Live? Messenger or MSN Messenger • PC Using my webcam to communicate via Yahoo !® Messenger Contacte-nos acerca deste produto